The Mandalorian: Chapter 20: The Foundling (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Fantastic episode
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
'The foundling' is a episode of two things, honour and control!

The honour on two fronts, first Grogu gets his mudhorn sigil baby breast plate signifying his first piece armour of becoming a Mandalorian foundling!

Secondly Bo-Katan gets the honour to lead a mission to save a foundling snatched by a raptor indigenous to the planet. Also this can be the first signs of her control by gaining the "children of the watches" trust!

This episode is very important as it tells us who saves Grogu from the Jedi temple, and it turns out to be Jar Jar Binks! Only joking, well kind of, the actor who played Jar Jar Binks, Ahmed Best plays the Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. Who escapes with Grogu!

We find this out in a PTSD scene when Grogu remembers his past as he watches the Armourer bashing away at a piece of Beskar, creating sparks!

But how did the empire get hold of Grogu later?

As the Mandalorian mission lead by Bo-Katan in search of the young foundling, reaches the cliff top where they plan their attack and grab the kid!

Great effects but different to tell who was who in the aerial battle as the action was very fast paced and the characters were small to visually see!

But still they came out victorious and saved the kid!

Interesting point.on return they took three baby raptors from the nest on the cliff as foundlings so they can tame them, learn to ride them may be a foreshadowing riding the Mythosaur?

One question is maybe Bo-Katan knows who the Armourer is, because of all the people not even Din Djarin, she tells her privately that she has seen the Mythosaur! Why her? But the Armourer does not believe here!

Great episode directed by Karl Weathers, done a good job again!

Summary: Fast paced action, fantastic!!
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