Clearly fake
22 March 2023
I have always loved the paranormal, I love reading and watching horror fiction and this programme should not be taken seriously.

I used to like the old cast of Sandy and Chris, although Chris was over the top I felt the pairing were genuinely interested in the cases. This Lawman chap is just sensationalist showman and deeply fake. I first saw him on Most Haunted then Haunted Australia where he played on peoples insecurities to make something mediocre look halfway presentable, a tactic unfortunately repeated here - I feel that Barhi and Jayne can see it's a fraud but have no choice but to play along. Much better programmes out there on the subject, Lawman gives it no credibility at all - in fact no fake psychic would be infinitely better and more money spent trying to gather real evidence.

The UK needs a really great ghost programme and would love to see one succeed. It will be very interesting to see how these programmes fair once Danny Robbins' Uncanny hits the screens after the brilliant podcasts.
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