Deserves credit for not glorifying the conflict
21 March 2023
Sisko's crew land in enemy territory, whilst Kira struggles to serve DS9 under Dominion control.

This is a powerful episode with strong character moments.

I'm not sure if Gene Roddenberry would have approved of the Federation being involved in a war, but I think he would have liked how Sisko handles a certain combat situation and the regretful tone of this rather somber story. It addresses conflict without glorifying it and all the central characters contribute well. Others that stand out are Remata'Klan and Vedek Yassim, who both have memorable arcs.

There is not too much about the plot I can reveal without spoiling, other than at this point in the development of the Trek universe the writers enter some of its darkest territory and do it well. I particularly like the focus on the victims of the war being those who fight and die on behalf of ruling classes who pull the strings in relative comfort.

Avery Brooks leads it well and Nana Visitor is on good form.

The filmmakers make good use of location shooting to portray a baron desolate planet landscape.
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