Review of The Bad Twin

The Bad Twin (2016 TV Movie)
Good Twin, Bad Twin
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film was all-too predictable in depicting a multi-generational pattern of one good twin and one exceptionally evil one.

Cassie and her sister Jen were a study in contrasts. One (Jen) became a celebrity doctor and radio host while the other (Cassie) was a slovenly, ill-tempered, and malicious twin. In the next generation, the twin daughters of Cassie (Olivia and Quinn) are once again good twin, bad twin.

Dr. Jen was far too much the Pollyanna, believing in the good side of human nature and ignoring the possibility of a truly depraved mindset. This was surprising for a trained psychologist.

Despite the good performances, the pacing dragged as scene after scene was formulaic with an inevitable showdown looming at the end. It was disappointing that the filmmakers could not find much redemption at the end. After all that Dr. Jen had tried to do for the two girls, the evil twin was beyond all hope and remained to the end a chip off the old block from her sick mother.
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