Made for Each Other (2023 TV Movie)
Sculptor creates golem beefcake
21 March 2023
7.8 stars.

I really like the lead actress in "Made for Each Other" and I really hope to see more of her in the future. She needs to become a Hallmark regular for sure. In this story she plays a sculptor who is down on her confidence due to several rejections of her works to be accepted more widely in the art community. She has fashioned a beautiful man sculpture, and she wishes so fervently that he was real that he actually comes to life, and is the perfect man. She has had difficulties dating men, because she is very picky, artsy, cynical, and sarcastic...all traits that might send any suitor running for the door. She happens to fall for a comedian while she's fallen for her sculpted golem man. You have to watch it to understand, because while this might be confusing, it's what transpires in this intriguing film.

Chemistry is amazing, the acting is amazing, the variety of characters are all well rehearsed and work very well together. This is almost a must see. I love the comedy fun interactions between the leads and the golem is a funny genius dud. Again, you have to see it to understand. Lovely and original take on Pygmalion they say. I suppose it is circuitously so.
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