Love, Classified (2022 TV Movie)
Amorphous blather
19 March 2023
6.3 stars.

A bunch of pretty people trying to illustrate some complicated relationships, all centered on one family. My interpretation of this film is the writer(s) took several anecdotal instances from random artistic gen z'ers, millennials, and one gen x'er and connected them in an attempt to create a fascinating and entertaining show. What they forget is that people like myself who were not weaned on a smartphone, will fail to catch the nuances and full meaning of the interactions and concepts. It's like a 5th grader trying to watch "Rick and Morty". Said 5th grader will probably have a bunch of laughs, yet fail to understand 80% of the intended message.

I experimented with my viewing experience by watching the first 30 minutes, skipping the next hour, then watching the last 30 minutes. Hallmark usually places all the good stuff in the last 30 minutes, and the first 30 minutes is to build a foundation so I can enjoy the last. It worked and I assimilated all the relevant data.

I As soon as the LGB kicked in "Love, Classified" lost some of its authenticity and my interest dwindled. I simply do not relate, therefore any sort of banter or chemistry between two of the same gender is wasted on me. Might as well fast forward. And yes, I guess you can call me close-minded, but I cringe when same sex couples are affectionate. It's foreign, alien, unnatural to my sensibilities. Just being honest. What shall I do, become more accustomed to it? Honest question.

The acting was above average, the dialogue had clever moments, but this film makes me feel a bit out of touch with society. Am I becoming obsolete? I bet many a person age 50 and above might be asking themself the same question.
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