Delicious, fresh movie making
18 March 2023
A few years ago a guy made a rather amazing ball machine that played music. Over the ensuing months, my FB feed was packed with "have you seen this?" It was sweet, it was funny, it was relentless.

And it's about to happen again. But for the record, yes, I've seen this, on the day it came out. My wife was reluctant at first - on seeing the title, she presumed it would be a nerd-fest like "A Fistful of Quarters - The King Of Kong" - but she was pulled onboard in the first 30 seconds.

We loved all of it. A piece of history told better than I could, and with a lot of stuff I didn't know, and a lot of Hollywood "treatment" to liven it up, and a determination make sure the audience knew the truth anyhow.

You don't have to be a pinball person to love this movie. It's beautifully shot, well directed, with credible characters and a story most of us haven't heard.

But if you love pinball as I do, it's even better.
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