The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Mind numbingly boring!
16 March 2023
I'm all about great story telling leading up to a big pay off, but what the hell was this episode? Why are these boring secondary characters getting so much screen time? I'm surprised so many people rated this 10 out of 10. I'm dumbfounded.

The storytelling in Andor was terrific even when there was no action, the prison episodes were truly masterful, but the difference is that Andor the focus was on the main character and occasionally cutting to the sub plots, whereas here the subplot has taken focus from the main plot. It's annoying really as the episode starts and ends well but we're treated to 40 minutes of fluff. This was the first time I stopped an episode mid way and returned to it later just to finish it, instead of watching it in one sitting as normal.

Here's hoping things return to normal in the following episode!
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