The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
The Most Interesting & Intriguing Episode Since Werner Herzog's Scenes. More Character Development Than Mando & Grogu Combined
16 March 2023
With now 10 hours of Mando content (Mandalorian & Book of Boba Fett) and.... Finally! The show is actually trying to have some interesting character development. Unfortunately it's not any of the main characters (Mando & Grogu), or any secondary characters, but once again the third party characters. Characters who show up for a couple episodes before disappearing until whenever. Not the first time, ie Mayfeld, and The Client. Now it's Dr. Pershing and Elia. This show does more with third party guest characters, when it does return to Mando & Grogu all I can do is say, "Not this useless guy and baby again." Points and credit to the show for trying. However, the episode is still not good, but halfway decent for once.

For all those who said about episode 2, "Mando did not fall in, something pulled him in." NOPE! This episode confirms from Mando himself, he fell in his bath water. Bo Katan pulled him up and does nothing to revive him. Mando drowned in his helmet, and Bo doesn't even try to give him urgent CPR. This creed sucks!

Next is another pointless action sequence. Looks cool, and I love Tie Interceptors, but it's pointless. What were they doing out there and where did all those fighters and bombers come from? They weren't there to destroy Bo Katan's house because she led all the fighters from space back to her place.

Then we get 40 minutes of the most INTERESTING and INTRIGUING material in Mando since Werner Herzog's scenes in season 1. Character development, motivations, goals, conflicts, internal struggles, intentions are for good but could mean evil, consequences. BASIC STORYTELLING 101.

Even though the episode is still loaded with dumb content and problems, there's far less of it when all the focus is on Dr. Pershing and Elia. We're at 10 hours of Mando, and in 1 episode Dr. Pershing has more character than Mando and Grogu combined!

Baby Yoda fans hated this episode.... "Where's Mando and Grogu?" "What's Andor doing in my show?" "Love the action and ending, hated the 40 minute middle."

This episode is intriguing. Unfortunately its Mando and Baby Yoda fans only want "pew, pew, pew", and Grogu spinning in a chair looking all cute. They don't care about story, characters, arcs, payoffs, intelligence...basic storytelling 101. Which is a massive shame. With this fan base, this show will never be good. This episode was a shimmer of that. Thankfully, Andor is a great show and will not sink to the same depths as Mando did on Mandalore.
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