The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Long form story telling! I'm here for it!!
15 March 2023
So many people we hate this episode as it spends very little time with our heroes.

I personally found myself no less gripped in by this episode. I found I was totally drawn in by the story line. The tension and questions about what is really going on...

This is the type of episode you would get from HBO, and will receive the same level of criticism. "It's boring" "where are the main characters" "who cares.."

Well people should care because like HBO and there incredible tv shows they let the show breath and priorities the story. Where it's going and how to make it a richer experience. This episode did that, it throws you into the world of Star Wars like we have never seen before. It's closest sibling is Andor (one of the greatest things Lucasfilm has ever done)

People will have to make there own mind up on this episode. For me though it was incredible! Does not have the repeat viewing of the first 2 episodes but it doesn't need to. This episode will in long run have made the Mandalorian a more complete complex and engaging show!! I'm very impressed they were bald enough to put an episode like this in an already limited episodes season. Maybe if boba fett and obi wan had more of this type of writing there shows would have been better.

Hope you all enjoy!!
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