Review of Land of Doom

Land of Doom (1986)
Weak 'Mad Max" imitation
15 March 2023
My review was written in August 1986 after watching the movie on Lightning video cassette.

"Land of Doom" is an uneventful U. S. imitation of the popular Aussie hit "The Road Warrior", second of the Mad Max adventures. Film was shot in 1984 and recently released (sans a theatrical run) on video cassette.

Set typically after a "final war", picture is one long trek by tough girl Harmony (Deborah Rennard) and idealistic Anderson (Garrick Dowhen) who is trying to get the nihilistic band of raiders to get serious and start rebuilding the world. Leader of the marauding raiders, Slater (Daniel Radell), has a grudge against Anderson and has his henchmen trying to kill him.

Though duo is vaguely searching for a fabled, faraway place where people already have banded together to recreate civilization, they accomplish nothing during this trek and are left a film's end with a bad case of sequelitis, ready to trek on.

Lacking special effects or any science fiction content, "Doom" is just an excuse to watch guys dressed up like "Mad Max" villains, riding around on motorcycles and souped-up vehicles. Absence of any nudity makes it of little interest to exploitation film fans. Stark locations are atmospheric, looking as if it were filmed in Turkey or some other exotic locale.
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