A good movie for kids and up, bringing Halloween to a personal level!
12 March 2023
Kickstarter: 293 backers pledged $21,000 to help bring this project to life. Last updated March 2, 2023. The project was to go beyond the done streaming and produce blueray/dvd disks (and a very few VHS - I got one! ) I watched my signed blueray last night and was very pleased with the movie. It's a good movie for kids and adults with a very low on screen body count. The age old question, why is this happening to me....now? Well, being of Irish decent is not always fun (fortunately I am also a Scot which is always fun)...kids grow up, ask questions.... Mary (Chelsea Jurkiewicz) is having to save money for college so she is working as a delivery (mostly food) person and gets together with her friends when she can....the subject of tips and tipping becomes important to her future...(I also notice she leaves the door of the car open so it is lighted when she does comes back, nice safety touch.)....as Halloween approaches things take a darker turn, it's time to grow up...Enjoy.
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