Some fun
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, Barry and the team apparently defeat Red Death with some unexpected help. Even when crazy Ryan Walder was too over the top to be believable or menacing, I think the whole story was quite decent and well done. I am also giving a pass to the show about the nonsensical idea of Joe and Jenna moving without Cecile, because I understand they have plans for Cecile and Joe is leaving. That is fine. And (surprising myself) I enjoyed the Grodd part. As it always happens with the show I have some critics Like, if there are "shadow clones" of Red Death all around the planet shouldn't other heroes like Superman, Supergirl, Cisco, and more join the fight? They could have name dropped them for something more useful that saying that the girls have mimosas with Ryan. Or why was Flash feeling so guilty and hopeless before the pep-talk? He had inspired Mark to help them against Red Death, and the new rogues to help rescue Mark.

Anyways, I think that Pied Piper is one of the best things of the season, but the scene of "It's a Wednesday" was awful, worthy of the Adam West show. It was cheesier than Wonder Woman '77!
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