I Don't Scare (1956)
At the end of this picture, Popeye and Olive . . .
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . are briefly separated by a utility pole while strolling along a sidewalk, and Popeye inexplicably blurts out "bread and butter." Does this make any sense to you? It turns out that back in the 1900's, a century with few survivors Today, this comment was voiced by the sort of superstitious weaklings prevalent back then to supposedly avert the bad luck otherwise facing lovers who allow something to come between themselves. Tellingly, Olive does NOT echo Popeye's observation, assuring that another bitter quarrel between the ill-suited pair is imminent. The whole intellectual framework behind this craven lingo derives from the difficulty of separating butter from bread once the former is spread. The gonzo remark "salt and pepper" has a similar connotation.
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