Elba and Serkis elevate the usual netflix original mediocrity with a 90s style throwback psychotic thriller.
10 March 2023
There was a time when thrillers were Big box office draws. Some with even the darkest and gruesome of subject matter. Unfortunately that particular film isn't really revered in big box office form these days, but this reminds me of the time they were. Of course the cast helps with the likes of the ultra talented duo of Andy Serkis and Idris Elba who's cat and mouse chase is pure entertainment. The story while it may remind me personally of 90s throwback thrillers is still updated for a time where cyber crime is a real threat and adds a great aspect. The action is also on full throttle in this as well which is nice to see. Overall the intensity of this film belongs in a theater but even so I do think it's a cut above for Netflix original movies these days. Very surprising film.
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