Very Unsatisfying
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I watched this movie is because of Ted Neely (Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar). I didn't realize that he wasn't the lead character, but I ended up watching it anyway. I found it to be pretty lifeless and unhumous. I did not care for the lead actors forceful manner with the woman, who refused to take no for an answer, and his and his family's unreasonable and behavior, and the fact that Jesus was running around on stage continuously taking his father's name in vain, LOL! In the end rather than the man choosing to leave his overbearing father, he was kicked out. The woman did leave behind her looser life with the band, but into the arms of a temperamental manchild. Is very few redeeming qualities of this movie, however, there is Ted Neely!
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