Review of Block 13

Block 13 (2000–2003)
Not the Worst Thing I Ever Watched, But Not Great Either.
8 March 2023
This show is rather infamous for being a copy of South Park, so I decided to watch it.

It's not awful or anything. Firstly, the songs are actually quite catchy, with the theme tune being a particular standout. Secondly, I do like how they use the Kenny clone in a slightly more interesting way than South Park does at times. Finally, the plots are abominable, although they would benefit from longer episodes.

That said, it is hindered by weak animation and the fact that the Stan and Kyle stand-ins have little character to speak of. I did like Mr. Saleh though - he does get some of the best lines.

In short, not the worst show, although it would probably have been forgotten if not for its similarities to South Park.
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