8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Hey, you want a beer?" Johnny Knoxville asks before Lou Ferrigno bursts onto the scene and strangles him.

Isn't that the car Michael Myers escaped in?

Is he really gonna stick that needle in his mouth? I'm fast forwarding this.

The music sounds a bit 'Mad Max 2-ish' at the start here. The end credits music does as well.

You may have saw that music video by Scatterbrain where he pulls a wrestling stunt on the old lady? Which is hilarious. In this however, he rolls over the granny with his stolen ride.

Two preppy rich snobs drive on an isolated dirt road and it's kind of got a 'Friday the 13th' sequel feel about it.

Is that Dave Grohl?

What's the unusual makeup of the cast? Alaskan nomads, preppy prom king & queen, Kiss member without the star and country bumpkins.

20-minutes are wasted introducing you to the unlikeable characters but it's not explained why they're all under the same roof.

None of them have names either so it's gonna be hard 'splaining who from what? And whose kid is this?

Other than the old lady at the start turning into cream of mushroom soup there are no other high points to speak of until the 26-minute mark when Ferrigno jumps off the top rope of the ring and breaks Michael Gross' back.

The idiot with the painted face is annoying but his red marbles trick was impressive.

It saddens me to say that this movie, so far, is a few shades better than Canada's 'Things.' And that's saying something.

I was warned that this movie was flat, now I'm starting to see why.

Nothing's happening.

I know this guitar strum - it's Stairway to Heaven but tweaked to accompany The Seekers rendition of it.

"Earth angel, Earth angel, why do you eat turkey at nine at night? Isn't it past your bedtime, child?"

Movie's so dark at times I don't even know what I'm looking at.

Uninspired kills. No suspense. Poor casting with the hulking dummy as the killer. Silly laugh doesn't add to the insanity. It only makes it phony. This movie has nothing going for it. It's trying to ride off the back of the original 'Friday the 13th' and 'Halloween's' success.

Who actually owns this 'Poltergeist' child? She actually looks like Tabitha from 'Bewitched.'

At the one hour and 3-minute mark 'Home Sweet Home' has worn-out its welcome! I want out and don't care what happens for the final 20-minutes. It just doesn't hold your interest and I regret comparing it to Jason earlier.

A long, drawn-out, scene at the house sees the last remaining victims holed-up waiting for dawn to arrive, (sunrise is always your safety,) but the killer's already inside the house with them.

Did my eyes deceive me or did Blondie just knife Ferrigno in the back while her panic-stricken boyfriend grabs her and is like, "Come on, let's get out of here," and they're both out the door saving their own asses and leave Tabitha behind in the house with the killer? I know I didn't see that. Even though I did.

Blondie regrets abandoning Tabitha and decides to go back but witnesses Ferrigno sporting a knife in his back and bolts for her life a second time, leaving the parentless child behind again.

Sorry, Tabitha, but they're only thinking about themselves. Looks like you're on ya own.

That theory about women and children first went down with the Titanic according to the adults in this movie.

It's every man for themselves apparently.

Wow, how didn't Blondie win an academy award for that screaming fit at the end?

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