German documentary of its own history leading up to and thru nazism.
5 March 2023
Ive been watching, reading, listening to accounts of WWII for 15 years. Series from GB, France, Canada, and Russia. World At War is still the best. All have their particular perspective. So this 2021 release from Germany, with voice over interview translations is very well done. It seems that in the last 20 years the myth of the good German soldier has been exposed as wishfully false. Its perspective is from the homefront with mere mentions of the raging battles. Extensive coverage of the holocaust with interviews of citizens who interacted with camps and slave labor.

Criticisms are its breaks in timeline that might cause confusion for viewers not intimate with the sequence of events along with episode titles that are misleading. Familiar footage is mixed with some new (to me) images and footage. The historians (Ger, UK, U. S, Ital,Pol, Sov.) are authoritative and somewhat familiar to those steeped in the YT universe of docs and lectures. Found on YT 3/23.
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