Seinfeld: The Truth (1991)
Season 3, Episode 2
Pity's very underrated
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1. Jerry sorts receipts 2. George breaks up 3. Kramer sees Elaine naked

I think Seinfeld is consistently hitting it for me now. I think the writing style is becoming more solidified and humor working out better. So far, there's been good episodes and really good episodes. I felt that this one fell somewhere in between. The theme of the episode was truth-telling. George was perhaps too blunt to his ex girlfriend about why he wanted to break up with her and it caused a cascade of events that complicated things for Jerry. Elaine decides to take that lesson and lie, which also caused suboptimal outcomes. Moral of the day is, both things can cause bad outcomes, so do whatever you feel is most justified.
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