Mind bogglingly bad!!!
4 March 2023
I consider this to be something of a public service announcement.

I liked about 2 sketches in this thing, within the first 20 mins, but then it completely went off the rails, and fell to pieces. Saw a glowing review in the Guardian for it, "laughing out loud!" all the way through apparently, but at what exactly I'm none the wiser. Quite shocked I allowed myself to fall foul of that recommendation. I don't follow them, but for some reason I fell upon the review and recommendation, but there we go!

If you try it don't go past the Kissing reality TV show scene, before which there are a couple of okay bits, but that's really it. Badly written, embarrassingly acted, no... just badly written, actors having to do their best to work with garbage, having little choice but to fall flat on their faces!
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