Matching Hearts (2020 TV Movie)
A perfect match
2 March 2023
8.0 stars.

Two of my favorite Hallmark leads are paired for "Matching Hearts", so you can imagine my excitement and eagerness to get on with my viewing experience ASAP. I must say this film did not disappoint, and while it's not my most absolute favorite, it's 8.0 stars which speaks volumes of the entertainment value and overall enjoyment.

She is a matchmaker who has been single for many years, sort of an ironic circumstance. He is a very successful entrepreneur who doesn't really believe in all that matchmaking hocus pocus. They might be the perfect match.

The chemistry is fantastic and the story is well written, although much of the dialogue is somewhat unnatural like a CW program where all the teenagers talk like ivy league educated professors. It's hard to describe, but contrived seems to be the go-to word that most use these days, however I like to use different jargon in these reviews rather than the same old words like contrived, formulaic, schmaltzy, or trope. I guess if you can't beat 'em you join 'em. It's the same reviewers getting all the thumbs up reviews, 10 out of 10 liked this or that, seems unlikely for 5 people to all have 10 out of 10's then the outliers have 2 out of 9's or 1 out of 3 sort of results. It's obvious there are insider groups of IMDB reviewers, or others on a fast track to some super user association, a band of cohorts who mutually comment upon each other's reviews, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine'll see the same usernames invariably pop up in the majority of reviews over and over. I'm simply doing these reviews to contribute something as an outsider looking in on something. Evidently it's something I've coveted just a smidge today for some odd reason. On with my Hallmark marathon and ta-ta for now...
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