Monopoly would be a better choice
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, please note that EVERY person who gave an 8, 9 or 10 star review here has only this review on their account in the last 7 years. It is therefore safe to ignore them.

As to the film, it is clearly amateur all the way. The characters are not likeable, and who wants to spend 86 minutes with 5 unlikeable guys? The writing lets them down at every turn, hinting at interesting possibilities and then not exploring them. The characters actions are really unbelievable. Case in point, why give up your cell phones when you're out in the middle of nowhere in a strange place? Who does this? And to add insult to injury, the sole character who is vaguely interesting or likeable is shot by his "friend" and falls down a hill. But he's only shot in the leg and the hill isn't that steep so why do they assume he's dead and leave him? And the end is so rushed that we get no sense of what has been pursuing them or even a decent look.

The acting is fair and the direction is not awful so I'm giving it 2 stars, but I would never want to have to sit through this twice.
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