The Flash: Fast Lane (2016)
Season 2, Episode 12
Grieving a mother
1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Up until the end I was thinking this is just a standard episode of The Flash.

But Wally's monologue about how he loves to race because it reminds him of how he used to have these long drives with his mum and how happy they were? How stopping racing is saying goodbye to those moments? That got to me, and got my own grief in a way I've never quite seen replicated.

I lost my mum when I was 11. My safe space up until that point was in her car going on drives. To mundane tasks like shopping or roadtrips to holidays (we drove to France once) I always felt at home in the passenger seat of her car, splitting a wispa chocolate bar with her and just talking and singing along to the radio (living on a prayer always sticks out in my mind.) When she passed we sold the car and with that it was almost like my last hope of doing anything with her again. So hearing him express his grief of his mum in a similar way to how I felt/feel mine literally made me cry.
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