Review of Cape Town

Cape Town (2015–2016)
Shockingly bad
1 March 2023
The accents! Dear god. Aren't there South African actors who could play a convincing part? What we got was a German and a Norwegian trying to imitate a local accent and failing spectacularly. They weren't the only actors not to be local and each and every was risibly bad at saying their lines. In fact, the local actors weren't much better. The director had chosen to get the cast to speak in portentous, deliberate tones even during action sequences. This made watching like wading through glue.

As for the plot, it was ludicrous. I've never read the author whose work had been adapted but I can't believe for a second that his success was founded on the déroulement of a story such as this.

Villains were wicked, cops had tragic lives, camerawork was shoddy. Mr Big had tentacles everywhere and seemed all-knowing and all-seeing. Nonetheless the wicker baskets all came to a grisly end with our hotshot cops seemingly powerless to work out what was happening and why.

As soon as the confession of having been raped came out, it was as plain as a pikestaff what had been going on. However, supercop Mat didn't twig. It took Lt Snook to ride to the rescue.

If you have to pay for this, just don't. If you can get it for free, flick through for a laugh.
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