Play for Today: Who's Who (1979)
Season 9, Episode 15
Classy play
26 February 2023
An entertaining look at class distinctions in a stockbroking firm. I remember it from decades ago, no doubt because this was my profession, albeit as a lowly pen pusher. Mike Leigh is a man of the Left, so this play was bound to involve, how can I put it, mikey taking. That said, many characters are true to life.

Upper class senior partner Francis (Jeffry Wickham) is typical of the breed, though we don't see much of him. A bit down the pecking order are three young, quite posh friends; Giles, Nigel, and Anthony, the latter played by Graham Seed who depicted a similar cat got the cream role in another class focused play Good and Bad at Games (1983). Tantalisingly, we observe through a window, but never hear speak, an obese middle aged man chatting up, and later touching up, a woman of similar age. Probably the office manager, and I'd imagine a bit of a bully.

The most over the top, comic performance is Alan (Richard Kane), a lower middle class, social climbing bore. A prolific writer to his betters, he keeps their replies in a large filing cabinet. Visitors, whether interested or not, are treated to a choice sample, letters and signed photographs pulled out like a magicians' rabbit - "The Right Honourable J Enoch Powell MBE, The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher". Spiffing fun.
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