It isn't easy to watch
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When people complin about those with privilege, these are the people they are talking about. Unfortunately, because race always seems to be an issue in America, we all get drawn into the lie that these people represent all white people. They don't. Not even close. I found the first part of this series very difficult to get through, because as a working class, conservative white man, I despise everything these people stand for. Even the friends, who are interviewed in a way that tries to make them sympathetic, are just gross. Who is buying these punks their alcohol? Who is supplying them with trucks, guns and boats? Their idiot parents, that's who. Idiot parents raising more idiots that the rest of society gets pushed around and bullied by. The Homecoming Kings and Queens that make us all want to vomit, with their fake hair, fake tans and designer brands. I need to go take a shower after watching this. Netflix, I'm upset you gave any of these people airtime. Blech.
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