The Flash: Rogues of War (2023)
Season 9, Episode 3
Cosmic Disaster
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"I am vengeance."

Red Death might become a top-tier villain, tied with Reverse Flash and Zoom. This is a chance for Javicia Leslie to showcase her acting chops and incredible range. I'm a little worried that the blue crystal hasn't come into play yet. Perhaps the season 8 cliffhanger is only going to be paid off in the second graphic novel. Either way, I am stoked to see where the Red Death arc is headed. I am hoping to see Iris interacting with Ryan Wilder in some capacity, given their close relationship in the Reverse-Flashpoint timeline. I would love to see Barry fostering a friendship with the Earth-Prime Ryan Wilder aka Batwoman, similar to his bromance with Oliver.

As much as I adore Allegra and Khione, their scene in the episode could have been cut. Instead, more of the runtime could have been devoted to the Rogues battle. I honestly did not expect Mark Blaine aka Chillblaine to turn against Barry and the rest of the Rogues. On paper, his betrayal makes sense, but it was still surprising to say the least. Nevertheless, his loyalties still lie with Team Flash, which is apparent in the final scene where he confronts Red Death.

There were several callbacks in this episode. Iris and Barry taking a cooking class is an obvious nod to the running gag that Iris is a bad cook. Masonville is namedropped by Chester, which is a callback to season 3 where Barry and Savitar reminisce about their childhood. As a child, Barry used to go to Masonville with his parents to eat ice cream. General Wade Eiling was also namedropped, which is a throwback to season 1 where he was mind controlled by Gorilla Grodd.

The gender bent and Post-Crisis version of Murmur trying to recruit Hartley Rathaway aka Pied Piper immediately sets her up as devious and malicious. To be frank, all the Rogues being pitted against each other was super cool to see and reminded me of team-up action movies like "The Expendables" and "Ocean's Eleven."

To conclude, as predicted the Flash managed to up the ante this week and deliver an action-packed and hilarious outing featuring the formidable Rogues. If this episode is any indication of what this graphic novel has in store, then we are in for a treat. I do wish, however, Red Death would stay as a villain for a full season (20-22 episodes), instead of only five episodes. Red Death has the same potential as other fan-favourite speedsters, like Reverse Flash and Zoom.

Final verdict: 9.5/10.
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