The Flash: Rogues of War (2023)
Season 9, Episode 3
The worst episode in the series so far.
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was by far one of the most cringe inducing hours in television I have ever seen.

Can we build a time machine and go back to a time when The Flash was good?

This series used to be a superhero TV show, and it had comedy, too. None of the so called "jokes" landed tonight, and the story was nonsensical at best.

So there is an evil speedster trying to build a Cosmic Treadmill, and yet there is time for Iris to a have a mid-life crisis, and for us to explore the Chester/Allegra "will they, who gives a crap?" relationship. This si a ful-blown soap opera now.

Also, is there anyone in Central City hero or villain that does not know Batty Allen is the Flash by now? Why does he even bother wearing a mask anymore?

To top it all off, it seems the writers want to give the impostor Batwoman an ending because her miserable series was cancelled. This isn't about team flash anymore, as the impostor had zero relationships with team Flash before, so her arc doesn't even make sense. This is about letting her have a moment in the Sun, no matter how unpopular she really is.

Not only is this by far the worst episode in The Flash, but it is also one of the worst episodes in the entire history of television.

Run, Barry, tun from this horrible series and create a Flashpoint where Eric Wallace never takes over, the story is good, and the show focuses on The Flash, not on Iris and friends.
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