Review of Kin

The Last of Us: Kin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
Wait, What Just Happened ?
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Everything I wanted to write for this review has to take a step back... We have to talk about this ending...

What ? Huh ? Joel ? ¨Still think you'd be better off with Tommy...¨ is a fantastic piece of foreshadowing here. I can't speak for the game, because I haven't played it. People who have played would have to tell me... Is it something you're comfortable with or is it a betrayal of what you know ?

Nevertheless, it stays true to the essence of the show and in The Last of Us fashion dives deep into the exploration of human trauma and connections. Death is part of life I guess. Still cried for Sarah here and Joel dying trying to protect Ellie is so beautiful and fitting for his character, but it feels early ? Maybe he isn't dead, but I doubt there's a Lord of Light or Red Priestess to revive him...

But he came in and delivered the information and Tommy knows. Someone knows and can honor his memory. Fight for what's right. I think Ellie will go back to the compound and Tommy will bring her to Salt Lake City... I guess Joel's journey was complete and he found his brother and made amends.

Gotta say the music is amazing and haunting, and the scenery more than stunning. The winter aesthetic and various shots and locations really shine. They are popping off with the visuals and emotions in this one. Got some vibes of The Walking Dead's Alexandria with the new place (or even Kingdom with the movie playing), Better Call Saul's Bagman with Joel and Ellie sitting by the fire at night and Ellie climbing up the rocks, Django Unchained with the horses in the snow (and some Tarantino-y feels with the first scene in the cabin), and even Iron Man 3 with Joel having all these panic attacks (or at least something like that) and Ellie just following him and harassing him with questions.

You really feel the contrast and difference in philosophies and opinions once you reach the compound. They built something and Tommy wants to protect it. They have a whole life there, and Joel learns Tommy is about to become a father. Of course, this brings back a lot of trauma with Sarah, and Joel tries to distance himself from Ellie.

Hope you enjoyed this messy review. There is so much in this episode to analyze and think about. What is life ? I couldn't believe my eyes at the end there... Oh wow. It only makes these first six episodes much more impactful and great because there is only five or six episodes of Ellie and Joel bonding and developing a relationship (five if you exclude the first episode of course). Now, on a rewatch, we'll just sink in every moment with Joel and Ellie that much more and yeah... This show is special.
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