This sequel surpassed the predecessor...
19 February 2023
The 2022 movie "Yi Tin To Lung Gei 2" (aka "New Kung Fu Cult Master 2") was every bit as enjoyable as the predecessing movie. So if you enjoyed that one, then you will definitely also enjoy this sequel from directors Kwok-Man Keung and Jing Wong.

I will say that the storyline in the sequel actually felt more well-rounded and had more contents to it. I actually enjoyed this movie a bit more than the predecessor, despite of this sequel not having Donnie Yen on the cast list.

"Yi Tin To Lung Gei 2" is a nice continuation of the predecessor, and it brings the storyline to life on the screen in a very fulfilling and enjoyable manner.

The movie brings most of the cast from the first movie back to the screen, which is great.

Visually then "Yi Tin To Lung Gei 2" is quite a treat for the eyes. Lots of great special effects, nicely choreographed martial arts - keep in mind that this is Wuxia, aka Wire-Fu, though. The props and wardrobe department also really worked their magic in bringing the movie to life on the screen.

I genuinely enjoyed "Yi Tin To Lung Gei 2" and I can warmly recommend both of the 2022 movies.

My rating of "Yi Tin To Lung Gei 2" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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