Felicity (1998–2002)
Stunted, Annoying Series
19 February 2023
Good grief! Four seasons of Felicity staring into space as if she's having a petit mal seizure and Ben looking like a 12 year old boy trying not to laugh. When he isn't grinning like the village idiot, all we see is the top of his head or we see him repeatedly withdraw and refuse to engage with Felicity. Still she worships him and just keeps taking his mistreatment. I cannot understand all the gushing good reviews for this series. Noel, Javier, Julie's biological mom and the psychologist are the only interesting characters. For the most part, these self-obsessed college student characters are not likable and sorely neglected as the series drones on. How can they possibly cultivate supposedly deep friendships when, if anything, they've regressed back to high school after three years of college. Exhausting and so very irritating to watch. Glad my kids never got into this series. Undesirable examples of friends and lovers who manage to become less mature and self aware as time goes on.
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