Overblown and overcooked despite Paul Rudd's best efforts
18 February 2023
One of the things I enjoyed about the first film was that it was something a bit different from Marvel. It was a low key film with a neat script and doses of comedy that was a nice distraction and pretty much unconnected from the more po-faced world of the Avengers films. Unfortunately though something seems to have gone wrong here.

Firstly we have a story that is a partial rehash of other more recent MCU storylines (baddie wants to be an all conquering god-like presence by destroying anyone who stands in his way). Secondly the actor playing that baddie just seems like a wrong bit of casting as. Jonathan Majors (as Kang) seems to lack much gravitas. I'm afraid I found Majors turn in the role a bit hammy too, being unconvincing and far too two dimensional.

I also found the film was cherry picking ideas out of other MCU films like GOTG ( races of weird looking aliens) for one. The story lacks originality, reminding me of Avatar, and the script full of obvious cliches. And both these points in mind I think that, after the last Thor film, Marvel is running out of ideas and its becoming obvious.

Whilst it's great having older actors like Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer in these movies, there were times they genuinely seemed embarrassed when they delivered their dialogue. Also the film badly overuses green screen and at times it started to resemble the Star Wars prequels of 20 years ago, with massive CGI battles providing the 'spectacle'.

I'm sorry Marvel/Disney but you will have to do better than this sloppy mess Having a charming leas actor just isn't enough to save a film. You have to bring something original to the table too. I thought the recent Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness had it's issues but there was enough originality and novel ideas from Sam Raimi in it to keep it interesting. The same goes for Spider-Man-No Way Home, an overlong film but made watchable by a good story and enough crowd pleasing surprises and to keep it interesting. And whilst Ant-Man doesn't have that legacy, I still think the makers could have done better here.

To summarise I found this to be an empty film. It has nothing new to add and feels bloated despite it being one of the shorter Marvel movies. If they had kept the story from getting overblown like this it might have stopped it resembling a dozen other movies. Marvel have had a few critical duds of recent and badly need to rethink their plan if they want to keep their loyal audience from losing interest. If I'm honest, the only film on their slate that I'm genuinely looking forward to at the moment is Deadpook 3.
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