School play? A diabolical disaster.
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was too unbearable to watch more than 20minutes of. The acting is abysmal especially the lead actor playing Sean Green. The script is really bad too but it might have been slightly better if actually acted by any talent. I can only think the lead actor's Dad paid for the movie to be made with all his friends.

The script seemed to be starting off ok with a potentially promising premise but the acting was so bad I just couldn't continue to watch.

The lead actress was so disconnected from the project it just felt like she was in acting class rushing her lines most of the time.

She has promised to fulfill her obligation of producing her third book on schedule but has writer's block with only has a few days left before she's due to submit the galleys.

He suggests she go home to remember how to write about romance and she takes him literally and goes home.

As soon as she gets there she bumps into her old flame but he doesn't mention he's in a relationship with her old school friend Heather. In fact he tries everything to avoid mentioning it. The girlfriend is like a caricature she overacts so badly.

There's a scene where Heather trips on the porch stairs and Grace and Sean try to help her and drive her to the hospital. It's like a high school play the acting and direction are so bad. He manages to delay the girls finding out about each other and Grace rushes back to her mother declaring that she has finally found the ending for her book. She's had an unrealistic timeframe to begin with but then decides to help Sean write his proposal to save the mansion before the blue moon ball in a few days. Absolutely ridiculous. They wait for the response which seems to only take a few hours rather than weeks and they start congratulating each other for all they've done to save it. Did I miss three weeks somewhere?

I had to sneak back in to check how bad it gets and I despair. Grace catches Sean with Heather and is furious. She gets a call to return to her publisher in LA who tells her that she's a failure. Sean shows up at her mother's door with a broken 'cinderella' shoe ready to try to win her back. He shows up in LA at Grace's apartment with the shoe and an empty box wearing a really ugly dress which is so cringeworthy. He asks her to the ball and she wears the dress which would be at least 5 sizes too big for her. Then he asks her to marry him and introduces her to Heather as a potential business partner which they immediately jump at hours after hating each other. Somewhere in between she tells the pathetic guy who's followed her from LA that she couldn't be in a relationship with him. Sean gives up his dreams follow her. Her third book is successful and she and Sean are happily in love.

The End.
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