Review of Devil's Peak

Devil's Peak (2023)
Slow burn to inferno
18 February 2023
The slowish, meditative first half of this film reflects the sweaty langour and apparent hopelessness of Jacob's (Hopper Penn) situation as son of a king-pin and savage drug dealer in a small Appalachian town. Will he be able to escape the trench that his father Billy-Bob Thornton) has dug for him and break free? That question and more is answered by the unexpected adrenaline fueled climax of the last act, and a particularly unexpected twist.

Filmed on location, the cinematography is evocative and atmospheric. The missed opportunity to use more Appalachian music means a dropped star as far as this viewer is concerned. I expect budget restraint had a lot to do with this.

Credit to the cast with special mention to Billy Bob Thornton who can always be counted upon for perfect evil, and to Hopper Penn for his subtle portrait of a sensitive character who has grown up with nothing but a continuous cycle of hurt and betrayal. His performance stays with you. Highly recommended.
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