Review of The Lair

The Lair (2022)
Really good B movie....
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These people review bombing this film are bugging out... I literally went into this film expecting the worse and instead was pleasantly surprised decent graphics cgi to a minimum I love the old school prosthetics... Definitely felt a call of duty/resident evil video game vibes... A ragtag group vs the creatures who look like B. O. W.s from resident evil... even the premise about the Russians invasion of Afghanistan was a smoke screen... This movie is on par with Dog Soldiers and Blood Vessel... Which are also on Amazon prime, now mind you as the movie went on you know it being this type of film everybody has to get a catchphrase or like their last final word which made it a little eyerolling at times but overall you felt for the characters the acting was good for the most part felt like early 90s sci-fi channel goodness... The film is entertaining to say the least give it a chance go in with low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised that I've seen far worse films with a price tag for a movie that I didn't spend a dime on I was entertained... I will be purchasing just to support the creator... As they did this movie on a low budget I was impressed too many of these bee movies try to do so much CGI and extravagant scenes that it makes the film look far worse than it can actually is this movie use good stock footage and the scenery was believable... The deaths are memorable very good Gore Factor... And another good thing is they don't try to squeeze any romance out of the main actress like no unnecessary dialogue or subplots... I was even a bit surprised at the end when the Arab man makes a shocking discovery about the creatures.... Very good flash back sequences... I would like to see a sequel.
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