Kalifornia (1993)
The worst movie I've ever seen.
14 February 2023
This was the absolute worst, most worthless movie I've ever seen, and if I said that about anything before, I was wrong; it doesn't get any lower than this trash.

Nothing redeeming whatsoever. Not entertainment in any sense. What you've got here is this totally violent story of a hick with an overdone Southern accent, by Pitt, who kills whoever he feels.

There's no real moral in this movie at all.

There could have been; it also has Duchovny as the writer of books about serial killers, but he makes really no statement at all.

His girlfriend Carrie, played by Michelle Forbes, is against "Early" (Pitt) also, but so what? And then there's Juliette Lewis as Early's girlfriend, Adele, who basically acts like a little girl, but she's still better than (ahem) Early.

This was the sickest, most reprehensible movie.

Pitt and company should have gotten no money for making this piece of garbage. Disgusting. Deplorable.

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