Can't Hold a Candle to Dad
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll have to be honest; I wasn't all that impressed with Sean Flynn. He's okay looking, an okay actor and he did the swashbuckling stuff okay, but that's about it. Comparing him to his famous father is like comparing canned tuna to a jar of imported caviar. He just doesn't have what it takes. Maybe that's unfair, as who can compare with the incomparable Errol, but still, Sean was a disappointment.

So was the movie, though it had its moments, particularly the realistic scenes depicting the earthquake in Jamaica, where Robert Blood rescues his mother (Ann Todd). I would have liked more scenes with the doctor/captain's widow, as she's a good actress, and I liked her character's stance against slavery and efforts to help her black servants.

Where the movie weakened was in having too many coincidences, like Robert's ship being attacked by pirates, whose leader was a former foe of his father's, and whose crew included men who fought alongside Captain Blood and wish to do the same for his son. Later, he defeats a ship with a cargo of slaves, which just happen to include servants who were forcibly taken from his family estate. It may be good entertainment, but still a bit much.

Not a total loss, but far from a winner.
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