Rubber Tires (1927)
Great fun on the road.!
11 February 2023
Leave it to DeMille, Bessie Love and Harrison Ford to squeeze the last drop of fun out of an otherwise mundane scenario Actually this movie is quite a romp and offers some good laughs, especially if you know a little about automobiles and travel in the 1920s, Bessie Love is, as always, delightful and Harrison Ford is steady as usual. He often seemed to be paired with the best leading ladies, e.g., Love, Clara Bow and Constance Talmadge, and generally rises to the occasion.

The film also serves as an "inadvertent documentary" with many glimpses of 1920s American life. Depicting toil and trouble on the road like the Joads, but not quite as bad. Miles of smiles, as they say.

I must say I had no idea of how many great silent titles are available on YouTube Premium. Some have great scores, some have haphazard and annoying music and some have no accompanying music at all, But It's a new treat for me to see new , mostly unfamiliar titles and revisit old favorites. Check it out.
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