A sensitive and deep drama on the affective consequences caused in some young people after the terrorist attack of Bataclan
10 February 2023
¨One year, one night" by Isaki Lacuesta is a family drama which addresses the traumas caused by surviving a terrorist attack, in this case the attacks of November 2015 in the Bataclan theater from Paris. The film deals very well with how Céline and Ramón want to forget what happened, but those memories prevent them from leading a normal life, and problems begin to arise in a couple who until then lived happily. A film that is based on the novel "peace, love and death metal", written by Ramón González, and that is more accessible than other works by the Spanish filmmaker, but that has the director's own stamp when it comes to telling history In our country the film had its presentation in the last edition of the San Sebastián festival, forming part of the pearls section.

Other acceptable Spanish film presented at the Berlinale 2022 has been One Year, One Night, based on the dramatic experience lived by Ramón González on the night of November 13, 2015 in Paris. In Spain it will be distributed in theaters by BTeam Pictures. Premiere on October 21, 2022 in Spanish movie theaters. When Ramón Campos, from Bambú Producciones, read the book that González had written, entitled Peace, love and death metal about the attack in Bataclan, he saw that it was an interesting story to tell. It took him very little to convince Isaki Lacuesta, a filmmaker who has won various awards, including the San Sebastián Golden Shell twice (2011 and 2018), to direct the film. The result is a passable and overlong movie , but tiring at times . Stars two nice French players : Nahuel Pérez Biscayart (120 Beats per minute) and Noémie Merlant (Portrait of a woman on fire), giving life to the real couple, although with certain fictitious features, who suffered the terrible attack. In addition, it has the participation of other great actors such as Quim Gutiérrez, Natalia de Molina, Alba Aguilera, the rapper C. Tangana , and other secondaries as Enric Auquer , Blanca Apilánez Bruno Todeschini and Sophie Broustal . The script is co-written by Lacuesta and his two regular collaborators, Isa Campo and Fran Araújo. Raül Refree has been in charge of the music, who has also worked with Rosalía Vila. The evocative photography is really adequate and in which they have not wanted to show explicit images of bullet wounds or terrorists, has been directed by cinematographer Irina Lubtchansky who often used camera over shoulders .

This for the third time in which revalidating Isaki Lacuesta's commitment and his especial career in cinema , an exploration of the nuances of fiction and non-fiction , in the border or equivocal territory , while partially disturbing with his premises to viewer , where it is not known at what point the happenings are told end and where the representation and the reality emerge . Regarding his commitment to the emotions and feelings of the characters, with a very strong moral background . Lacuesta's essay not only questions formats , delivering a slow-moving and downbeat narration , though he also blatantly demonstrates the contradiction between truth and fiction , providing an overlong duration , and , dull at times , since this film exudes authenticity enough . The singular attitude in Lacuesta's works is very difficult to achieve : it is only available to solid filmmakers . Lacuesta has developed a especial filmography that includes documentary , Shorts , Movies and TV series , such as : Apagón (TV Series) , La veu latent (Short), Download Vilches (Short) ,Microscopias (Short), El acusado (TV Mini Series documentary) , El moviment perpetuo (Documentary), El cuaderno de barro (Documentary), Où en êtes-vous, Isaki Lacuesta? (Documentary short) , Un año, una noche , La próxima piel, Murieron por encima de sus posibilidades , Bajo escucha, Los pasos dobles , among others. But his big hit was : ¨Entre Dos Aguas¨ that had a peculiar realization , and , above all , in the best tradition of Italian neorealism , winning ¨The Golden Shell¨or la ¨Concha de Oro¨ at the San Sebastian Festival .
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