Review of True Spirit

True Spirit (2023)
Inspirational Stuff
8 February 2023
I tried to get my kids to watch this, hoping the inspirational story line would give them ideas beyond sitting and playing games on the iPad. But I failed so I watched this myself. It follows the true story of 16 year old Jessica Watson attempting to fulfil a (let's face it) very short, life long dream of being the youngest person to sail solo around the world.

The film delivers, albeit in a bit of a lightweight way. The danger elements were few but done well. The sea does look scary at points, but I wanted a little more edge of the seat stuff. But this is aimed at the 10-16 crowd, so perfect in that respect.

The film is almost 2 hours long, but it takes a long time for the world journey to actually start and the pacing of the film from that point is a bit too quick. Half way round The world in the blink of an eye. It is a true story and I can't believe it was all plain sailing (excuse the pun) for that half of the journey. It would have been nice to have a few more elements of danger and drama.

It's always great to see Anna Paquin, but young Teagan Croft was excellent as the young protagonist sailor. I originally thought she was a bit too wide eyed and perfect teeth for the role, but at the end of the film you do see footage of the real Jessica Watson on the original boat and they are actually very similar in looks, so good casting in that respect.

If you can get your kids to watch this, I would highly recommend!
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