Star Trek: Voyager: Barge of the Dead (1999)
Season 6, Episode 3
Midlife crisis.
8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I took this as B'Elanna having a near death experience and working through her mid life crisis and early childhood trauma of being a klingon/human and not fitting in or understand herself.

The plot of the episode is her journey of accepting her mother's faith and defending her mother without necessarily accepting the religion. I am a big softy for self sacrifice episodes --- what can I say?

The overall message that I took away was about living the life you want to lead. If you live a life attempting to please others or because it is expected of you .... well, one day you could be low on oxygen in a shuttle and have a life changing hallucination or you might even be grouchy to the borg cyborg who wants to mess with your engine efficiency.

I find it interesting that Roxanne Dawson was raised an atheist but became a Catholic a few years before the episode was aired. I imagine she has some interesting perceptions into faith.

This is one of those episode where Torres is just working some personal stuff out. I enjoyed the ride.
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