Time of Day (2018)
Nice music, amazing cinematography but pointless and soulless
7 February 2023
Gorgeous cinematography, some known actors appearing here and there either presenting some short monologue or just acting a small act, but final result is shallow and boring as hell. "Time of Day" follows 24-hours of a group of actors (playing themselves) while doing nothing. Really. I mean, Kate Mara enters a cab and way later we find out what happened; Boyd Holbrook exists another cab and buys a pack of cigarettes; Lakeith Stanfield has a verbal dueling while two characters at the same time on the subway; Jon Hamm has a small speech inside a barbershop; and others go through some bizarre moments and others just having a more quiet time with themselves. Point given or accomplished? None. It just goes on and on without a higher purpose. However, two great points must be made: Thom Yorke's musical creates a surreal atmosphere and it's very good to hear it; and the digital cinematography looks amazingly beautiful, it's a real spectacle to be seen. But why bother wasting ten minutes of our lives without some sort of reward for some cool actors to appear here and there out of the blue without giving a proper meaning? I've seen some comments comparing it to the works of David Lynch but trust me, there's nothing of the kind, there's no way we can't connect everybody and say that there's something good here. Is it a study on loneliness and how different people react to it? Is it a study on Hollywood and how actors deal with themselves when they're out of a movie/TV set? Is there something outside of this realm? Whatever it was, I was not impressed and I don't think most people will feel something about it. Just pointless. 4/10.
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