Whitstable Pearl (2021– )
Was a good start, still watching
6 February 2023
Episode 1 of season 1 started off with a great dynamic between Pearl and Mike. It's not easy to have a (semi) private detective and police officer work together in a small town, and see the potential for a romance at the same time. It all happened too soon. The relationship would have been better left as a professional one, much like Grantchester, Father Brown, etc. You wouldn't see these amateur sleuths falling in love with a police officer and so you don't even think about the potential.

If this series is to continue, I wish the writers would just make up their mind what direction they want Mike and Pearl to have. Mike's character needs to go back to series 1, episode 1, with his dry sense of humour and sarcasm. That's when it worked the best. The stories are a refreshing change from your usual bloody violent sexual assault British dramas. It has more of a small town crime feel, which I like. I'll hold out hope for this series, as I very much like the lead actors and location. I searched for other shows that Porthos (Mike) had been in, as he's a great actor, funny and charming. Let's see more of that shine through.
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