Hades Project Zeorymer (1988–1990)
It's actually pretty good
5 February 2023
This has to be the swan song of the classic mecha vs mecha genre, and as such it ends up paying homage to the classics, while at the same time breaks the mold from them and evolves in a very original and interesting direction. The story is very intriguing from the start, even if a bit confusing in his exposition at the beginning, but it gets better. A lot better. In fact it has to be one of the best written screenplays in the whole genre. The animation style is also very solid, and every character has a motive, a backstory, and some of them even have dramatic developments during the 4 episodes. If you'll watch it, you'll wonder by the 3rd episode how on earth they'll manage to end this overarching story in one episode only. Don't worry, it actually escalates quickly to a very satisfying and gritty finale. I recommend this anime to all fan of 80s animation done right, I frankly consider it to be quite underrated.
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