The Lair (2022)
Oh dear ...
5 February 2023
So you have a man called TAFF who at first sounds Scottish. An American Major trying his hardest to put on an American accent. An RAF pilot who doesn't know how to hold a rifle and doesn't know the law of engagement of once you fire, move position.

Well the dialogue is awful. The casting is awful.

It's like a poor man's 'Descent', a film that was actually original and scary. The lair is laughable. It's so bad that it's one of those films that you have to keep on watching just to se what happens next that is going to be bad. For example, they get away from the creatures by hiding in a bunker, but there is no lock on the door. But still the creatures can't get in. And they stop trying.

Don't waste your time. 😂
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