A fun behind the scenes but a bit too masturbatory at times
4 February 2023
So, this is the making of, of a show that didn't connect with me on many levels. But what I appreciated was highlighted here and told even better and I actually see this small "making of" a better product than Moon Knight itself. It does what it has too but not much more. It shows all the small and fun details with a good enough flow. I think the making of can make the show sound like it´s lifechanging and a bit more important than it really was, but overall, it was a fun enough watch.

We see the making of the Marvel show Moon Knight. Everything from interviews with cast and crew, production, thoughts and great behind the scenes footage.

I think it´s always interesting to see behind the scenes and this one doesn't disappoint. You really get to know the cast and crew and how they created every aspect. From character development, incredible and detailed set design, costume design and insight in the creative process. This seemed like a great creative space, where everyone had just that little bit of creative control and it´s nice to see.

Some of the transitions to new topics can seem a bit abrupt at times. A topic seems barely finished and then it´s like "now this new thing" and it was a bit jarring.

It´s interesting to see so much energy go into something and then barely have that being represented in the actual product. That's why making of´s are so important, to really appreciate something that bit more, and this made me look at Moon Knight in a bit of a better light, since I know see all the amazing details put here.

It sadly spirals into a bit of self-indulgence at times. It can sound like the show was groundbreaking and so much more impressive and important than it really felt, and that didn't land with me. Props to the first for this show but talking about the importance and meaning of the show really doesn't land with me, as I don't see this in the final product at all.

It also becomes a bit of a trailer towards the end more than a making of. There´s a bit too much editing of footage of the show, epic music and black screen transitions. It was a bit of a shift in tone and a bit obnoxious to me.

But this is a good making of that really made me appreciate aspects of Moon Knight more. It didn't change my mind about my overall thoughts, but I respect the time and effort but into the show and sadly I barely see that time and effort represented that well in the final product.
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