I hate animated feature films, but...
2 February 2023
If you have already seen Las Hurdes, this is worth watching. If not, it will be largely incomprehensible (in addition to annoyingly animated). I always feel that I have been fooled into watching a cartoon when I press start for a feature-length film only to discover that there is no actual acting whatsoever and some graphic artist in fact created all of the visuals. But because I had seen Las Hurdes, it was interesting to watch, especially the critiques made by the director here of Bunuel's killing of the goats, and also his "theory" of what looks to have been Bunuel's autism.

I had heard about the goat killing before, and I know that directors do these things (apparently Almodovar tortured and killed six or so bulls in making of his film Talk to her). Of course, all meat eaters are perhaps hypocrites for criticizing these patent use of animals for purely artistic (not necessary) reasons, given that we could all just eat bugs, as some "people in high places" are now encouraging us to do.

Anyway, the use of a pistol to kill the animals involved a similar sort of hypocrisy, given that Las Hurdes was billed as a documentary...
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