Trolley (2022–2023)
Buck up Buttercup
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The storytelling in Trolley is good. Most of the characters are well written. But two things killed my joy in the series: The male lead is quick to give in, take blame and apologize publicly without investigating, worrying more about his reputation than the truth. He is so busy trying to manipulate every situation, also accepting the blame of a man's suicide. I found this very frustrating. Get a backbone! The female lead drove me nuts. She can't kill anybody. She allows a family to put the blame of their son's suicide on her instead of on him where it belonged. She allows people to manipulate her, slander her, and wilts like a flower in hot heat anytime something happens due to guilt she's put on herself. Buck up buttercup! This is not a series I would sit through again.
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