One Winter Weekend (2018 TV Movie)
The perfect wintry escape, especially if Snurfing is your thing
29 January 2023
One Winter Weekend is a romantic comedy/drama that takes place in a ski chalet, which automatically makes it a little feast for your eyes. Cara is played by Taylor Cole, and Megan by Rukiya Bernard (sp)- the latter is my new recent fave on Hallmark. The lead male characters are great, but I truly loved Dewshane Williams; he just cracked me up the entire time.

So many summaries of this movie are provided, so you won't need another from this review; what I will highlight are the types of things that I love most to help you decide if you would enjoy this.

The Scenery is epic, and I'm not a fan of cold weather, but it's beautiful.

The chalet setting automatically makes you feel like you're along on the journey, which makes it a great escape from your regular couch.

The actors are all attractive, young, and in the prime of their professions; if you are a working person, you'll love the way you can relate to a lot of the ridiculous-boss issues, and so much more. If you're a stay-at-home parent, you may still love that aspect, but I'm speaking as a middle-age non-mom who has been working for far too long.

The 'chic' factor in this movie-- moments of dressy occasions - are pretty slim pickings, so it's not something you'd watch for that "royal christmas" feel. It's also NOT a Christmas movie, it's just a winter movie.

The sporty side of the guy characters can help throw a bone to all the people who find romantic Hallmark movies a little silly; you can get some great insight on snowboarding by watching the Trivia scene (haha-- not to mention, it's the most hilarious. "Snurfer"! ) THe chemistry I loved best was actually between Rukiya and Dewshane, followed by the chemistry of Rukiya and Cara as buddies.

I'm short on praise for Jack Turner, who is certainly not a poor actor in any way. I just find him un-captivating, and his appeal to me was around the level of excitement I feel when my coffee is lukewarm. It's just not that great, but not the worst.

Watch this movie if: you're interested in fun friendship dynamics, genuinely joyful people (Rukiya), and the importance of taking risks in life. Don't watch if you dissect the story lines and find gaps in logic. In fact,that's the joy of Hallmark movies, so best to avoid HM if you can't allow yourself to escape reality a bit.
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